Most of the time, when you see rain on the day you are supposed to have your photo shoot, you think the session is going to be ruined. However, a photo shoot in the rain can be just as magical (if not more) as one on a clear day.
As a couples photographer, I have had to deal with my fair share of elements throughout my sessions, and honestly, rain can be so much fun. It always brings back a child-like mentality and allows you to let go of any expectations and just enjoy the session.
So, if you are wondering how to have an amazing couples photoshoot in the rain, here are a few of my top tips!
Tips for a Couples Photoshoot in the Rain
Plan your clothes around the weather
Clothes can honestly be one of the hardest parts of a photoshoot, and sometimes it can feel really hard to find the perfect outfit. Now, although we don’t want to add an extra hurdle to jump over, make sure you have a plan for clothes that are going to work in the rain.
There are a few things you can consider here. First, think about the color and the materials you are wearing and what is going to happen when they get wet. For example, white may not be the best color to wear if it is going to be raining.
You also want to make sure that the material isn’t going to be super uncomfortable if it gets wet. While you are most likely not going to get soaking wet, you may be in the clothes for a bit while they are damp, so make sure it is something that you are okay with getting wet. Different materials handle water differently, too. I edit out a handful of raindrops, but I can’t do much with big wet patches.
If you know, it is going to rain, this is a great chance to add some layers to your outfit. This can be things like a rain jacket or even boots to make sure your feet don’t get wet as you walk outside.
These are great opportunities to add a bit of color to your outfits and really make your pictures pop against the darker sky!

Use puddles to capture photos with reflections
Instead of letting the rain ruin your photoshoot, use it to your advantage. If you are in a city area or anywhere where you can find puddles, use those in your images.
You and your photographer can create really cool reflections in the puddle and create unique engagement photos that are even better than you could have imagined. This is something that you may have to play around a bit with, depending on how hard it is raining.
If you do have parts of your session where the rain lightens up or stops for a bit, this is a great chance to get these photos since you won’t have anything disrupting the puddle and making your reflection blurry!

Be extra careful with any makeup you choose to wear
Depending on how much you actually plan to be out in the rain, it’s important that you are careful with any makeup that you wear. The last thing you want is for your makeup to run down your face or for you to feel like you have to wipe things off your face every few minutes.
If you are comfortable going without makeup, great! You won’t have to worry about anything running or making sure that you stay dry.
If you do want to wear makeup, that is still amazing! I would just highly recommend that you test everything out before your session. Some makeups will say that they are waterproof or run-resistant when they really aren’t.
It doesn’t hurt to do a quick practice run at home before your session to make sure you are going to feel totally comfortable and confident, even if you do get wet!

Bring clear umbrellas
Clear umbrellas are a must when it comes to a photo shoot in the rain. Now, a lot of photographers will have some clear umbrellas on hand for you, but be sure to talk to them beforehand to make sure one of you has them.
I do also want to put it out there that we aren’t using these just for the aesthetic. While they do look amazing in photos and don’t distract from you and your partner, there is an actual reason why clear umbrellas are better when it comes to photos.
Clear umbrellas don’t throw any shadows on you and your partner in the photos, so it is the perfect way to keep you a bit drier without compromising the actual photo itself!

Find cozy places around where you are to take breaks from the rain
If you are planning a session in a downtown area or around your own home, try to find somewhere around where you are having your session where you can go inside and take a break from the rain.
This can be a little coffee shop, a bar, or anything else around. Not only will this allow you and your partner to dry off a bit (and maybe warm up if it is a bit colder), but you can also grab some drinks and cozy up together for some amazing photos together.
For Jessica and Laura’s session, we were in downtown Greer and found a perfect coffee shop, Flying Fox Coffee, where we spent some time during their session. We all grabbed some coffee to enjoy and were able to take a bunch of beautiful pictures inside the coffee shop before we headed back out into the rain.
**Total side note, but if you are ever in this area, you have to try out the Broken Record Latte here – it changed my life!

Let loose and embrace the rain
One of the things I love about a photo shoot in the rain is that it allows you to almost let your guard down and relax a bit more. Sometimes, we are so focused on making every single detail perfect that we forget to actually enjoy the session.
I have found that the rain sort of washes away these expectations and allows you to just have fun and be yourself. So, if you are expecting to have rain during your photoshoot, embrace it and live in the moment.
Jump around in the puddles. Laugh and be playful with your partner. Let your inner child who used to love to run around in the rain out and enjoy yourself.
You can always keep things a bit more controlled at the beginning of the session and start to let loose towards the end. Maybe you stay under an umbrella or inside during the majority of the session to stay dry, but in the end, you ditch everything and just dance in the rain.
These moments are ones that I promise you will not forget, and they will create the most perfect, candid photographs that you will cherish forever.

Communicate with your photographer to know how much rain is too much
Finally, be sure to communicate with your photographer as your session approaches. While a photoshoot in the rain is so much fun, there is a point where there is just too much rain.
After all, a certain amount of rain can compromise the photographer’s camera and just the overall quality of the images. So be sure to talk with them beforehand and get on the same page about what is going to be possible and what isn’t before your session date.

Final Thoughts on Rainy Couples Photos
While it may not be what you first thought it would be, a couples photoshoot in the rain can be so much fun and can give you photos and memories that you and your partner will cherish forever.
The most important thing you can do is just embrace the rain and have fun with it instead of feeling like it is ruining the session. Your photographer can also help to make this session amazing and capture photos that are unique and unforgettable.
If you are still looking for a photographer who can adapt and create a beautiful session regardless of the weather, I’d love to chat! Rain or shine, I love being able to capture the love story between two people and freeze these moments in time for them forever!
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