When it is time to celebrate your engagement, there are few other places with better views and atmosphere than the mountains. Looking out over miles of land with nature surrounding you creates a peace and intimacy that is perfect for mountain engagement photos. 

As an engagement photographer myself, I absolutely love going out to the mountains to capture your love. It always creates such an incredible and unique session that highlights your love in the best way possible. 

So, if you are ready to start planning your own mountain engagement photos, here are a few tips to help you have the best session! 

Tips for Mountain Engagement Photos 

Bring Layers 

First and foremost, you want to make sure that you are bringing layers. With the exception of the summer months (in most mountains), you are probably going to find that it is a bit cooler at the top than it is at the bottom. 

So, you want to make sure that you are covered and if that crisp mountain air gets a bit too cold, you have some options that still go really well with your outfits.

This is especially true in the spring and fall. The weather can really sneak up on you and even though it may not seem like it is that cold, once you get to the top it can be a whole different story. 

Layers also give you a lot of flexibility visually. Even something as simple as a jacket can give your outfit a completely different vibe and almost make it feel like you are wearing two different outfits!  

Decide How Much You Do or Don’t Want to Hike 

This is a big one when it comes to mountain engagement photos. There is a whole range of options when it comes to where you can go and how much it does or doesn’t require you to hike. 

If you and your partner are big outdoors people, going on a bit of a hike to find a more secluded spot (or even to go to your favorite spot) can totally be worth the effort. Plus, you are most likely comfortable being in the mountains and have a good idea of what you can or can’t do in a certain period of time. 

However, if you’re not really the type that wants to put in some miles before you take your photos, you can still have the perfect mountain engagement session without all the effort. 

In almost every mountain range you can think of, you are bound to find a few different pull-offs that are directly off of the road. This means the most hiking you are going to have to do is a couple of steps from your car to the lookout. 

This still allows you to get those incredible views and be surrounded by nature for your session. It is important to know, though, that you may find that these areas are a bit more crowded. While you can still have an amazing session, there may be fewer spots where you are all alone than if you were to hike up further into the mountains. 

Consider the Time of Day 

The time of day is also important when it comes to a mountain engagement session. There are a few things that you will want to consider. 

First, is there any specific thing that you want to capture? Are you looking for sunrise photos? Sunset photos? Do you want everything lit up with the light of the day or want more of a golden hour vibe? 

Sunlight in the mountains can be more intense and there is likely less shade.  Check with your photographer on how to get the best light to make your photos shine.  

These can all help you figure out what time you should actually do your session to make sure that you are getting all of the photos that you want to get. 

You also want to think about the climate of the area. In a lot of mountains, you may see that they are prone to afternoon showers. So, if the mountain you are planning on using is going to see rain in the afternoon, it may be better to plan your session in the morning. 

If you are planning a session in the middle of summer, it may be worth it to do an earlier session. Not only are you more likely to get some cooler weather, but you may also find that it is less crowded. 

Wear Comfortable Shoes 

Comfortable shoes are a must in any session, but especially when it comes to mountain engagement photos. After all, you are going to be up on a mountain. 

When it comes to the terrain, you’re likely to find that things aren’t nice and flat. You want to make sure that whatever shoes you are wearing, you feel comfortable and safe.

If you are hiking up to your session location, I would highly recommend wearing hiking shoes up to the top and then switching to different shoes when you get there. The last thing you want is to twist an ankle or hurt yourself on the way up and not even be able to enjoy your photoshoot! 

Check the Weather Beforehand, But Don’t Worry Too Much 

Now, I mentioned earlier that weather can be a factor when it comes to choosing what time to do your session, but in reality, it has a big effect on the session in general. Since you are going to be outside for the whole photoshoot, you really want to make sure you are keeping an eye on the weather leading up to the session. 

This can help you to decide if you need to adjust your plans for the session, have a backup location on standby just in case. This is especially true in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The weather can be super unpredictable and the typical forecasts aren’t always 100% accurate. 

I normally like to keep an eye on the hourly forecast and will sometimes shift things into dry pockets in between the rain. Overall, just be open and flexible when it comes to your plans and know that changing to an earlier or later time than you originally planned may be what is needed! 

Choose Your Colors Carefully 

What you wear and the colors and patterns you choose are important for any session and that doesn’t change when it comes to mountain engagement photos. One thing you want to be careful of here is not wearing colors that are going to make you blend in with your surroundings. 

So, for example, if you are going to be surrounded by green trees, wearing darker colors like green or brown can make it really hard to be seen. Similarly, if you are going out to a lookout where you are going to have great views of the sky, wearing light blue may not be your best choice. 

You may even find that for these types of sessions, brighter colors, jewel tones, or even just white work really well. 

As always, the most important thing is to pick an outfit you feel great in!  That will give you the confidence to really shine in your photos!

Don’t Forget the Water!

Finally, it is so important that you don’t forget your water. Regardless of if you are planning a hike or not, you should definitely bring water to your session. 

If you are going to hike, be sure you have plenty so you can stay hydrated throughout the entire journey up and down the trail. The last thing we want is for you to be thirsty the entire session because of the hike. 

Even if you are driving right up to your session location, it is still a great idea to bring water. A lot of times, just the elevation change of being in the mountains can make you a bit dehydrated, so we want to make sure you have everything you need to be comfortable during your session!  

Final Thoughts on Engagement Photos in the Mountains 

Hopefully, these tips help you as you start to plan your own dream mountain engagement photos. The mountains are truly an amazing place to capture these special moments and it is always so much fun. 

Now, if you are still looking for the perfect photographer to round out your plans for your session, I would love to chat. Mountain sessions are some of my favorites and I would love to help capture your love here. 

You can click here to learn more about my photography services or you can head over here to get in touch and start planning out your own session! 

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